Nr. 04 second hand spinning machines made by MARZOLI, model NSF/L 3,
year 1997/98,
creel for roving of 6" x 16" (152,4 x 406,6 mm),
bobbin holders Marzoli with internal brakes,
6 lines of bobbins,
FANI sliver stop feeding device model SENSORFIL,
drafting device 3 over 3,
SKF pendular arms model SKF PK 2025,
yarn suction spindle by spindle,
spindle gauge 75mm,
spindles lift 220mm,
864 spindles each machine,
tube lift 260mm,
rings diam. 54 mm, diam flange 1 made by Borgosesia Breakers,
antiballon diam 54,4mm,
spindles driven by tangential belts (one each side),
centralized waste collection under ducting,
distance between the centers of the machine 2700mm,
frequency inverter conversion (made on 2002), on board to the drive main motor,
integrated automatic doffing with caddy (Marco Polo),
CAIPO electronic club device model 1510, year 2002,
nr. 02 machines equipes with PINTER device,
MAGITEX traveling cleaner, complete with rails and linked with collection in the spinning end stock.
Nr. 04 AC238 SCHLAFORST cone winding machine, year 1997, model GKU,
all machines right hand,
feeding by link feeding Schlaforst,
frames of 30 spindles each,
26 heads fitted on the frame
drums in stainless steel with 2 runs symmetric type,
drum type 146-011, 462 UG 2 SY 034 (2turns symmetric),
6" traverse,
take up 4°20' iconicity,
USTER D5 clearers,
detaching head MK-C30 AC,
air discharge into the floor,
MAGITEX traveling cleaner, complete with rails and centralized collection into the spinning frames.
Second hand spinning machine MARZOLI model NSF/L 3, nr. 864 spindles, year 1997/98, with CAIPO and PINTER, link with Schlaforst 238
2nd hand automatic winding machine Savio model ESPERO E, 60 heads each, year 2002.
Dosorama, Turbodye, Datacolor, Spectro TECNORAMA - GRETAG MACBETH